Friday, June 12, 2009

Finding substance

Hi and welcome to the blog substance abuse where I your humble reviewer will review everything in his collection from movies to comics to video games that I think is worth a damn. Finding anything good is subjects to Sturgeon's Law meaning that 90's percent of everything is shit. This being the case I found that relying on reviewers can help, oh sure I will be the first to admit that this does not always work, I mean I hated Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and that was such a critical darling, but to be fair I also liked playing bad games for the hell of it, but what's wrong with that?

Anyway what I look for is how much substance any series has, like how good is the story or how a well a video game plays. The reason I'm using the name Substance Abuse is well I just thought it was edgy and would get people to look at the blog, but also because I tend to try and get as much millage out of all medium as I can, if something is to shallow for me or just bad I will tell you.

Anyway look forward to the first post, I hope that it helps you decide what to read, watch or play next.